Job Informaion

Distribution and retailing of alcohol products approved by the National Tax Agency , condiments, soft drinks, food and restaurant fixtures, management of food and beverage businesses and alcoholic beverage retailers, and consultation for restaurant businesses.

Business and Product Features
Publishing of an information magazine and holding exhibitions . Supplying everything related to restaurant, food, and beverage businesses.
We strive to become a UNIDIS, or UNIversal DIStributor, that provides everything needed by people in the food and beverage business. We supply not only alcoholic beverages, but also provide everything that is necessary in the food and beverage business, ranging from food to information and management consultation to support your business from all angles. The wine restaurant Di PUNTO and the dining & bar establishment PRONTO are both directly managed by our company. We research consumer needs and use them to provide information to our clients. We also continue to take on new challenges, such as publishing a restaurant management information magazine called “E-dash” and recycling all the containers of merchandise for sale.
Strategy and Vision
We have 7,500 clients thanks to our ability to flexibly receive orders and our unique network system.
Today you can purchase alcoholic beverages anywhere in addition to liquor stores and restaurants due to the deregulation of alcoholic drink sales in 2003. Excessive competition has already begun in the market. In order to survive in such a competitive market, it is vital that we establish closer relationships with clients. Flexibility is a must in the restaurant business in which unexpected orders frequently occur. We have developed a reputation for reliability through a system that enables us to issue order slips from voicemail and deliver on the same day—even when we receive orders during non-business hours. As a result, we now have 7,500 clients across Japan. The current trend is for national restaurant chains to integrate suppliers in order to save labor costs. We have established a network across Japan to meet this demand. We use a distribution system whereby merchandise is shipped directly from our company for the Tokyo metropolitan area, and use a commercial DAN (Delivery Agent Network) system whereby we designate partnering companies to deliver merchandise for the other areas of Japan.
Corporate Philosophy
To be an alcoholic beverage and food coordinator that succeeds in distribution and retail.
Our company started as an alcoholic beverages wholesaler in 1936. The business foundation was built on distribution to retailers, but we have adopted a unique style whereby we now serve both as a distributor and as a retailer for businesses such as restaurant. We operate as a distributor from the manufacturer standpoint to purchase a large amount of merchandise at a lower price while serving as a retailer to meet small-lot demands from the consumer’s standpoint. Originally, the roles of distributor and retailer were different, but we have solved problems thanks to know-how garnered over many years. We offer not only alcohol products, but also a variety of fresh vegetables and frozen food for restaurants. Just like cheese is indispensable for enjoying good wine, we think good things to eat must be served to complement alcoholic beverages. Creating a comprehensive, comfortable atmosphere to enjoy drinks—ranging from restaurant design to staff training—that is our mission.
Job Details
The job involves selling alcoholic beverages, food and restaurant fixtures to food and beverage businesses. However, we think the real merchandise is the frontline employee, and the suggestions and consultation abilities demonstrated by that person.
<Office Work>
Office work include sales assistant work in taking additional orders from our existing clients on the phone, accounting, or general affairs.
Major Clients
Japan: 7,500 businesses (based on actual operating businesses)
Restaurant, food, and beverage businesses across Japan, including restaurants/food or beverage businesses in the Tokyo metropolitan area, city hotels, ceremony (funeral and wedding) halls, government and municipal agencies, airlines, and karaoke chains.